Wednesday, October 23, 2013


You suddenly find yourself lost. Where are you? How did you get here? How do you get back home?

The answers to these questions are lost in the confusion, so you just start walking.

It’s hot. Too hot. All you can think of is that cool, crystal clear water rushing down the mountain. All you can think of is that peaceful place.

You need water. The only water here is the sweat dripping off of your body, and as soon as it hits the ground it’s gone. Hell, even the treacherous waters of Heart of Darkness would do at this point. The horror.

The scorching heat is unbearable on your blistered feet, but you must press on. The dehydration is setting in, and the dizzy spells start to overcome you, but you must press on. Your legs start to give and the sweating stops because there’s nothing left to sweat out. But you must press on.

You stop to rest, knowing in the back of your mind (but refusing to admit) that this is likely the end of your road. Just as you begin to fade and the heat starts to overcome you, it happens—the clouds suddenly roll in, and in an instant the temperature begins to fall. The sky opens up, and the water begins to rush around you. You can literally see the heat being lifted off of the ground. Your struggle has been reduced to a memory. You made it.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Just Go

From the peak of the mountain, you take in the views from all directions and begin to think about what you might find if you just start going in that direction. If you head north, you can have your breath taken away by the Niagara Falls. Head south and you can hike through the Andes or explore the Amazon. The west can show you the both the great accomplishments and the horrific atrocities of Manifest Destiny. Travel east and you’ll end up in Europe, with all of its history and beauty, which seems to exist just for you (or maybe you for it). Go further to see the Great Wall of China. No matter which direction you choose, you will inevitably find yourself surrounded by awe-inspiring beauty, or monuments to celebrate the achievements of mankind.

Traveling can be daunting. The thought of being surrounded by unfamiliarity, not knowing what you might be getting yourself into is scary. But you’ll never know what’s out there unless you go. The thing to keep in mind is that if you find yourself lost, no matter which direction you choose to go you'll eventually find your way back home.